Bill O’Mara
Bill O’Mara
Radio Announcer

Bill O’Mara was in radio and TV for 70 years and is considered as one of the pioneers and legends of PNW sports broadcasting. A long-time Everett and Snohomish County resident, O’Mara covered local and pro sports. He was a college tennis player who had Davis cup aspirations at the age of 20, but by 1947, he was announcing Seattle Rainiers baseball games for KING 5 TV. He was KING 5 TV’s first sports broadcaster working for the station for 13 years.

He was renowned in the NW for his play-by-play commentary on hydroplane racing and was at the helm when KING-TV televised Seattle’s first “major league” sport a live Unlimited Hydroplane race west of the Mississippi. KING-TV was the leader in Seattle Seafair hydroplane racing broadcasting during the O’Mara years (1951-59). In the ‘70s he called races for KTVW, Channel 13. He also had a long and distinguished career at Everett’s KWYZ radio.

He was the consummate professional and gentleman and well known for his raspy voice, enthusiasm and vast knowledge of most all sports. In 1998 he was inducted into the Unlimited Hydroplane Museum Hall of Fame. And in 2005, was the first recipient of the Washington State Baseball Coaches Association’s prestigious Jim Reding Media Commitment to High School Baseball Award.

In 2007, still broadcasting at the amazing age of 90 and was considered the oldest working broadcaster in the nation. At that time, he spent 22 years as Anacortes’ KLKI sports director as a reporter play-by-play commentator of high school athletics. He is also known for successfully encouraging KLKI to cover girls’ sports. Two years later he had finished his career at KLKI, he passed away at age 90.

“I always say, “I’ve never worked a day in my life for money. Some guys see how much money they can make. That never appealed to me. ‘Unfortunately,’ as my kids say.” – Bill O’Mara.