1920 Everett High School
Football Team
Coached by former University of Washington football captain Enoch Bagshaw, the 1919 Everett High School team played Scott High School of Toledo, Ohio, which resulted in a 7-7 tie and a shared mythical national high school championship. In 1920, the team bowled over its first five opponents before defeating the Oregon champion, The Dalles High School, 90-7, Long Beach High School of California, 28-0, and Utah champion, East High School of Salt Lake City, 67-0.
Now Everett sought a mid-western or eastern team to play for the mythical national high school championship. East Technical High School of Cleveland, Ohio, signed on to play in Everett on January 1, 1921. Everett won 16-7 and was acknowledged as the national high school champion. It was reported that in each of the final four games, a large seagull flew over the field as an omen of good luck. This led to Everett High School teams being known as the Seagulls by the end of the 1920s.
1920 Everett High School Football Schedule/Results:
Sept. 25 – Sedro Woolley, 68-0
Oct. 2 – Bremerton Navy Yard, 27-9
Oct. 9 – Naval Base Hospital, 84-0
Oct. 23 – University of Washington Freshman, 20-0
Oct. 31 – St. Martins College, 19-0
Nov. 13 – The Dalles High School (Oregon), 90-7
Nov. 20 – Long Beach (California), 28-0 (15,000 in attendance)
Nov. 25 – East High School (Salt Lake City, Utah), 67-0 (Thanksgiving Day)\
Jan. 1, 1921 – Cleveland Tech (Ohio), 16-7
Team members:
Reynolds Durand (Student Manager), Chalmer Walters, Leslie Sherman (Captain), Carl Michel, Roy Sievers, Harold Britt, Fred Westrom, George Wilson, Glenn Carlson, Ray Witham, Walter Morgan, Clarence Torgeson, Arthur Ingham, Merle Dixon, Edward Manning, George Guttormson, John Corbally (Faculty Manager) and Anders Anderson (Assistant Student Manager), and Coach Enoch Bagshaw